An early childhood development program is an educational program offered at preschools and day care centres that cater to the needs of small children usually from about three months to about five years of age. The preschool program aims to develop the child in preparation for formal schooling which starts at age six. Preschool is therefore compulsory in most countries.
But what is the big deal about a preschool education anyway? Is your baby not too small to be following an education curriculum? Should your young child really be focused on a learning program in such an early stage of life? Children are supposed to be carefree and stress-free for as long as possible. Obviously attending to your young child's intellectual development is important, but are we not pushing our children too hard in a preschool setting, in an era where life is already stressful and fast-paced.
As a parent, you are always striving to do what is best for your children, the same applies to choose a preschool program. In order to make the best decisions however it is important to be well informed about preschools. Here we investigate what a preschool program entails and how it will be beneficial to your child – without forcing your child into a high-pressure education system prematurely.
Holistic child development is an approach to early childhood education in a that focuses on all aspects of the young child's wellbeing. In such a preschool setting all of the child's developmental needs are met, these include:
· Physical – referring to the development of the child's body
· Cognitive – Mental and intellectual development
· Language: Development of communication skills
· Emotional: Developing a sense of security, the ability to express feelings and experiencing good self-image
· Social: Skills in developing relationships with others
· Moral Normative: An understanding of right and wrong
· Sexual: Developing an understanding of gender differences
· Creative: Creating an environment in which artistic expression of ideas is promoted
· Aesthetic: Developing an appreciation for beautiful things
· Religion: A sense of belonging to a particular community
Often the development of cognitive skills is misinterpreted as the main focus of preschool education; however, this could not be further from the truth. A child who has been developed in a holistic development program is capable, confident and happy. And such a preschool early childhood development program is a great investment in your young child's future.
Furthermore, it cannot be expressed enough that small children learn primarily through play. This is the foundation on education in preschool. Through play a child learns social skills such as sharing and learning to get along with peers, they learn problem-solving skills and can even learn valuable mathematical concepts through sand and water play activities. For a young child of preschool age, play is the only method of learning that is effective. A good early childhood development program will thus go to great lengths to incorporate all aspects of holistic development through play.
By giving children plenty of opportunities for outdoor play through exposure to jungle gyms or riding on ride-on scooters a child's physical needs are met (gross motor muscle stimulation). Social and moral normative skills are also developed in this outdoor play environment as children learn to share and treat one another and the preschool playground with respect.
Playing with and exploring play dough during a preschool lesson stimulates the development of the small muscles in the fingers (making the finger ready for pre-writing skills) this development of small muscles is called fine motor development. By playing with play dough or enjoying painting activities children's creativity is developed, language skills are developed as children talk about their artwork, social skills are encouraged as small children discuss their artwork with their educators and their peers, and again mathematical concepts are explored by enjoying the use and learning of new colours, in this same activity aesthetic needs are catered to as the child learns to appreciate beauty through art. And when all of these needs are met the child's emotional well-being is catered to as the child feels content and confident in the preschool program.
Fantasy play (or pretend play) is another fun means of learning in preschool. Young children are given props such as fairy wings, a magic wand, policeman's badge, a fireman's hat or a cape. The young children will act out scenarios during pretend play (usually in groups). Fantasy play stimulates children's social skills, language skills, cognitive skills, and emotional well-being. The small child will act out a mimicked version of adult behavior they have observed. This method of free-play allows small children to learn about their world.
Language skills are also developed through listening to stories being read during story time or learning new songs, which is done together with peers and again develops social skills and stimulates emotional wellbeing. These are just some methods in which your child's needs are met holistically through play in the preschool program.
The needs of babies are catered to. Physical needs of small babies are stimulated through exposure to a lot of tummy-time (which strengthens neck and tummy muscles – preparing the body for crawling). Neck and head control are stimulated through baby massages. Cognitive needs are met through exposure to a lot of colourful and textured toys. Emotional development is stimulated by attending to the baby's cries and needs often which gives the baby a strong sense of security with their caregiver. The consistent response of the caregiver stimulates emotional and social wellbeing.
A baby can even be taught baby sign-language which is a special type of sign-language that is taught to babies to be able to communicate their needs and wants prior to verbal development. Babies, who are taught baby sign language, will later tend to find verbal communication easier to master. A good preschool program makes this all possible and is focussed on helping all parents with the young child’s development.
In summary, a preschool program is not a stressful academic program that exposes our small children to forceful learning too early in life. A good preschool program focuses on the holistic development of your child. This is only done through hours and hours of play. An early childhood development program is good, and it is great fun for your small child. Such a preschool program is a necessary investment in your child's wellbeing and the academic success of your child later on in formal schooling.